So planechase come and gone, much of the M13 set has been spoiled. I keep saying that Wizards is dropping the ball on supporting Tribal Commander. I feel that if I'm going to keep accusing WoTC of dropping the ball I need to put my wish list out there for them to see. Maybe they are just unaware. While it is not an official format for sure, there is a following for it.
For those who are unfamiliar. Deckbuilding rules are a simple combination of Tribal Wars and Commander:
one-third of every deck must be of a single creature type (this is 34 counting your commander)
One of these 34 must be a legendary creature.
The rest of your deck must have color identities included in that legendary creature's color identity.
I personally feel that the chosen creature type needs to be raised (in both normal tribal wars and tribal commander) to something closer to 50%. But that is neither here nor there.
Now to the Main purpose of this article, what holes are missing from Tribal Commander. By hole I mean what decks can we simple not build because there are no legendary creatures available to play that specific deck?
I'll post these by tribe.
R/G Werewolf: While there are not enough werewolves to make an honest commander tribal deck even if we had a legend to command it, I can not for the life of me figure out why we were denied one. There were 19 werewolves printed in innistrad block to that 8 changelings and we are at 27 of the 34 werewolves. I would justify adding wolves to this deck to fit the remaining 7 creatures needed. Also Ive heard that some groups only use 20 of said creature type.
U/B Ninja: Ok, I'm stretching here, but this is another one I criticized recently. There are only 10 Ninjas (18 after changelings). Let's just find another Ninja heavy plane and get the rest that we need. They can print us a legend there.
R/W Samurai: There are plenty of Samurai to make the deck (after a few changeling), but no one to lead it.
B/W and WGB Knight: We could make our knight decks Mono B, Mono R, Mono W, BRG, WUG, RG, or WG. None of these decks allow us to play Black Knight along side White Knight. I really want to be able to build a tribal deck highlighting all the black and white knights that mirror each other. I haven't seen call for other color combinations for a knight, but there are more options that could be filled too. I just really think WB would be fun.
GRB Goblins: This and the next one are remnants from Lorwyn/Shadowmore blocks. Basically we can chose RG or RB for our goblin tribal decks. I want to be able to include all the goblins from that block.
GBW Elves: Choosing from GW or BG elves has proven troublesome. There were so many cool black and cool white elves in those two sets that I just want to play.
UWB merfolk: again from Lor/SHM, but this is lower priority for me. I just play mine WU and don't feel that I miss out on much.
B/W Clerics: Never been a personal wish of mine, but I know some who want to play it. Personally I feel that this could be covered by a slash of blue and running Lady Evangela, but some want to be as pure B/W as possible. Note this is a throwback to onslaught block where clerics were a B/W tribe.
RUB Wizards: So, I had a tribal cube a while back. Each tribe had 3 colors. This was one of the tribes. I threw it together once as a commander deck, then went to grab a commander and realized there were none. It was sad times. In the same boat was my GUR elementals, that is fixed now.
UBG rogue: Another entry from my tribal cube. I realize that there need to be more wedge commanders in general, but I felt this one was missing. Yes we have Edric playing UG but that lacks black and with it many choice rogues. there are around 55 ug rogues though, so edric is playable without including black, I just feel its a shame we have to do so. Adding black only lets us chose from among another 56 cards.
RWG and RWB Giant: I can play mono W, GR, RB, RW, RBG, or RBU giants, This leaves out RWG and RWB. While I like my Ruhan tribal deck, blue is only adding 3 giants to chose from (ruhan and frost titan).
This is where you can chime in. I'm sure there are many many more tribes needing some one to command them. Leave comments on what tribes you know of that need some legendary help and in what colors they need it.
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