I'm going to start by purchasing the Izzet vs Golgari duel deck when it comes out next month. Jarad has just been spoiled on http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtg/daily/arcana/1033 and at this point, not knowing what else is in the deck, I'm just going to post my inital thoughts on the new legend.

Legendary Creature - Zombie Elf
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord gets +1/+1 for each creature card in your graveyard.

Sacrifice a Swamp and a Forest: Return Jarad from your graveyard to your hand.
The first thing that jumps out about this guy is his Splinterfright like ability to get large based on the number of creatures in the graveyard. This means I will want to run alot of creatures and a few that are similar to splinterfright, but I want to be careful not to go too deep in this direction or it will become a copy of my Karador deck but not as good. I don't want this deck to be as vulnerable to graveyard hate.
His second ability I want to focus on: The ability to repeatedly fling creatures at not only 1 player but to all opponents seems really strong. So, not only do I want to fill the deck with creatures, I want creatures that are very large for their cost.
His last ability is just gravy. First couple times he is played it will be from the command zone, but late game this could make him much cheaper to recast.
Here are some cards that stand out to me as possible all stars:
Creakwood Liege- This will be a beatdown deck. This guy will pump all of our creatures and provide a steady stream of tokens to toss at our opponents.
Doomgape- A 10/10 for 7 mana. decent body to beat down with and the possibility to gain a ton of life.
Quillspike - I think this guy could be used along side -1/-1 counters and persist to good use.
Savra, Queen of the Golgari- Jarad's sister can easily fit into this deck. Playing as a pseudo gravepact and some possible life gain in the deck.
Abyssal Persecutor- A very interesting card for this deck I think. Starts out as a 6/6 beatstick then has the possibility to play politics keeping a player alive. Later he can be sacrificed for 6 life to each opponent.
Bloodgift Demon- not only a 5 power for 5, but constant card advantage.
Brooding Saurian- I like keeping my creatures.
Chameleon Colossus- Can get really large and then get flung.
Disciple of Bolas- seems like it could be really good.
Nim Deathmantle- bringing back sacrificed guys to sac them again. Also granting and extra 2 life loss.
Skullclamp- 1 extra life loss and draw 2 when sac'ing the equipped creature. Should be great synergy with the deck.
Those are some early ideas that I am wanting to throw into the deck. I wont need to build the full deck right away and we still don't know what is in the rest of the duel deck. Anyone have other ideas that stand out to be used with this guy?
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