Sunday, June 17, 2012

Elemental Chaos!

While Maelstorm Wanderer makes for a great general, I find he fits much better into my 5 color elemental deck. This deck, led by Horde of Notions, takes tribal to the extreme. Let's take a look.

Mana Fixing/ ramp:
1)Fertilid- use the counters to get land, then bring him back to thin the deck out some more.
2)Smokebraider- best early game mana accel for this deck.
3)Animar, Soul of Elements- Will allow much earlier casting of the larger creatures in the deck.
4)Incandescent Soulstoke- or we can always just cheat them into play. also great lord ability.

Creature Controllers:
5)Æthersnipe- Bounces creatures, or other threats back to their owners hands.
6)Ashen Firebeast- While fairly large, he is good at clearing out smaller hordes.
7)Ashling, the Extinguisher- Forces a sacrifice when he hits a player.
8)Cinder Elemental- Blaze effect, good for control or ending a player. Also great with reccursion.
9)Crackleburr- There should be plenty of blue and red creatures to activate this without trying. This is a card to watch though.
10)Deepfire Elemental- repeated creature kill.
11)Hateflayer- blast those blockers, wither is very helpful here.
12)Living Inferno- repeatedly clears the board.
13)Nevermaker- bounce some creatures.
14)Shriekmaw- terror stick
15)Time Elemental- bouncy, bouncy...
16)Ashling the Pilgrim- can be used to clear the board, or just become a huge creature.
17)Flamekin Spitfire- repeated direct damage.
18)Magmaw- 1 damage, also a good sacrifice outlet.

Large Beatsticks:
19)Cloudthresher- while he kills fliers, he is in here more for his ability to be a 7/7 beatstick on the cheap.
20)Doomgape- Sac outlet, lifegain, and beatstick all rolled into 1.
21)Dread- keeps players from attacking us, ideally.
22)Purity- prevents direct damage, can also be used to gain life, all on a nice 6/6 body.
23)Forgotten Ancient- your friends help make him large enough to beat them down.
24)Gaea's Revenge- hard to deal with beatstick.
25)Lord of Extinction- could be big.
26)Maelstrom Wanderer- big guy brings friends and makes them fast.
27)Magmatic Force- huge is the important part, clearing 3 toughness creatures is gravy.
28)Malignus- seriously? he should always be big enough.
29)Obsidian Fireheart- gets some repeated damage out there.
30)Skullbriar, the Walking Grave- starts out small but can get huge.
31)Thorn Elemental- 7/7 gets damage in reguardless.
32)Tyrant of Discord- random destruction and a body to boot.
33)Walker of the Grove- 7/7 stays around when it dies.
34)Celestial Force- 7/7 life gainer.
35)Liege of the Tangle- makes a lot of big guys, be careful in a wrathful meta
36)Rockslide Elemental- great at times, can get large if left alone.
37)Spectral Force- there should be one player you can hit with this guy and still untap, if not there are other ways.

Enter battlefield abuse:
38)Flickerwisp- repeat EB effects.
39)Mulldrifter- card draw is nice.
40)Nova Chaser- flickers them into and out of play.
41)Regal Force- card draw, a somewhat random number, always at least 1 though.
42)Reveillark- while there are not a ton of targets for him, there are enough.
43)Soul of the Harvest- more card draw.
44)Supreme Exemplar- another nice champion card to flick your EB card out of play.
45)Dust Elemental- blank removal and reuse EB effects.
46)Meadowboon- makes all our guys larger.

Other Utility:
47)Air Servant- Tapping flying creatures so ours can get in there and stick the opponent.
48)Cinderhaze Wretch- gets opponents into topdecking mode a little faster.
49)Cytoplast Root-Kin- can be used to spread +1/+1 counters around our battlefield, then come back and make them even larger.
50)Flamekin Harbinger- manipulate your top deck.
51)Fulminator Mage- remove annoying lands.
52)Kulrath Knight- opponents can't attack me with their +1/+1 counter pumped creatures, yay.
53)Quicksilver Elemental- steal some activated abilities.
54)Rage Forger- if we have counters on our creatures...
55)Roil Elemental- or just steal their dudes.
56)Stingmoggie- blow up lands or artifacts.
57)Tideforce Elemental- tapping potential blockers is just the begining.
58)Vigor- Always nice protective effect, also can be used to make your own creatures huge.
59Wispmare- enchantment destruction.

1-5)Celestial Colonnade, Creeping Tar Pit, Lavaclaw Reaches, Raging Ravine, Stirring Wildwood- on theme man lands, more for theme than function.
5 color lands:
6)Primal Beyond- on theme, awesome card for this deck
7)Cavern of Souls- is this the best land ever printed?
8)Ancient Ziggurat- if only it could fuel abilities of creatures too...
9)Command Tower- in a 5 color commander deck, nah...
10)Exotic Orchard- get help from your friends
11)Rainbow Vale- help out the guy that's behind, hopefully he will return it.
12)Rupture Spire- I am a fan of this card. The more I play it the more I like it. Awesome cheap land.
13)Reflecting Pool- usually should tap for 5 colors.
14-18) Vivid cycle.

This deck plays multiple sides of magic playing aggro with large beatsticks, combo with vigor/ashling, or control with the many control effects. It does this all while fitting into the tribal theme and being 100% creatures.
Commander: Horde of Notions- other than being a tribal theme, he suggests a strong reccursion theme, reusing creatures that die naturally or are sacrificed to some effect.

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