Sunday, November 13, 2016

Breya's Modular Army

Since I first heard that the commander 2016 product was going to have a 4 color commander deck centered around artifacts I've wanted to change my Marchesa, The Black Rose modular army deck to a 4 color deck. I hoped and cried out for a valid on theme commander (or 2) to come lead my robots to victory, I must say, I'm not disappointed.
First, the problems with the Marchesa deck. Honestly my biggest problem is that the power level of the deck seriously magnified once Marchesa hit play and dropped drastically once she left play. There is a difference between being centered around your commander and reliant on your commander and this deck felt too reliant on her. It also felt very combo once Marchesa was in play, which is not what I am looking for. 

I also wanted white in the deck, but loved the red, so esper commanders weren't a top pick for me. Both blue and black take a large role in the deck as well, so the best option was going to be waiting for the 4 color options. 

When Breya was spoiled, I wasn't sold. Instead I kept hoping for an awesome partner to team with Silas Renn. Silas Renn gives recursion which is the same benefit as Marchesa, but not on the same combo level. 

Bruse Tarl, Boorish Hearder was the first RW partner to be spoiled, and was a total let down. Not only does this guy not care about artifacts the art on the card completely takes away from the fantasy immersion I'm looking for. It's not that he is bad in the deck or doesn't work well with Silas (he does), he was just too off flavor for the deck I'm building. 

Then came Ariki, Line-Slinger.  Now she isn't perfect, but she cares about artifacts. Honestly, it's enough for me. While I doubt I'd ever put her into the 99 of an artifact deck, she can sidekick/command the deck with her partner. 

So, I go off to build. Then I came to a realization. In trying to make the deck focus less on Marchesa, I've piled on backup recursion. I have skeleton shard, phyrexian reclamation, trading post, etc. I don't really need recursion in my command zone (though he is great as one of the 99). So, I took another look at Breya. Breya provides what the deck really wants after all: sacrifice outlets. 

If you'd like to take a look at the list in its current form, here you go:
Breya's Arcbound Army

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